2022 in Gaming: Tracking My Playtime

2022 is drawing to a close — but where did the time go? Courtesy of NZXT Cam, here’s a neat visual breakdown of what I played this year (with some light edits in Photoshop for clarity).

Unfortunately, NZXT Cam’s tracking isn’t entirely accurate. It won’t track games it doesn’t know about, and sometimes the tracking gets misattributed. For instance, this year, it says I played Counter-Strike: Source for two months and about fifteen hours — I definitely didn’t. Instead, I’m pretty sure I was playing Shadowrun (2007), but it’s amusing that NZXT Cam conflated the two. The games run on two entirely different engines, but Shadowrun largely recycles the Counter-Strike formula. Maybe NZXT Cam is making a snide comment. Or maybe it was Team Fortress 2: Classic.

Regardless, here’s a chronological reflection on the good data we do have!

Continue reading “2022 in Gaming: Tracking My Playtime”

Searching for an MMO Home: Success

After sampling four different MMORPGs over the last two months, I think I’ve found the game for me: Star Wars The Old Republic. I’ve paid my “mortgage” (subscription fees), and with a lightsaber at my side, I’m ready to move in.

But it wouldn’t be right to move forward without reflecting on each game I sampled. After all, they all have their merits. SWTOR just happens to be right for me.

Continue reading “Searching for an MMO Home: Success”

Searching for an MMO Home: Champions Online

In my last post, I discussed how my waning interest in World of Warcraft led me to start playing Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO).

Well, the mercuriality doesn’t end there — and I’m starting to believe mercury retrograde is a thing. Because a week later, I’ve stepped away from LOTRO to play Champions Online, a super-hero-themed MMORPG.

Apparently, my quest to find an MMORPG home is far from over.

Continue reading “Searching for an MMO Home: Champions Online”